Join the busiest hospitality agency and work with some the biggest & best events, venues, corporate clients and hospitality brands in Australia!
As hospitality veterans ourselves, we truly understand what it’s like working in this industry, we strive not just to get the best outcome for our clients – but for our staff also!
Pick and choose when and where you work with some of the largest hospitality brands and events in Australia!
Our mission is simple: to give hospitality workers like you the ultimate in freedom and choice whilst working in some of the best venues and events in Australia.
No sham contracting or "gig workers" with us we support you throughout your employment by offering workplace protection and above award rates and conditions.
Our client networks are vast and span the country. Global and national hospitality businesses and brands trust us as their recruitment partner
Seeking a New Challenge?
Explore Exciting Opportunities with INAC!
INAC connects you with best hospitality opportunities. Our client networks are vast & span the country. Reputable businesses, event venues and organisers trust us as their hospitality recruitment partner.
1 Alfred Place,
South Melbourne
VIC 3205
Level 2 / Suite 3,
2-12 Foveaux Street,
Surry Hills,
NSW 2010
Suite 18/Level 14
167 Eagle Street
Brisbane City,
Brisbane, QLD 4000
18 Main Place,
QLD 4218
Level 1/239
King St,
NSW 2300
Suite 1203, level 12,
197 St Georges Terrace,
WA 6000